Thursday, August 26, 2010

Astagfirullahalazzim...Allah Maha Besar

15hb Ogos 2012 (bersamaan 15 Ramadhan, Jumaat), tarikh malapetaka dunia paling bersejarah.

Cuba lihat kalendar di bawah untuk tahun 2012... 1 Ramadan pada tahun 2012 jatuh pada 20 Julai hari Jumaat, jadi 3 Ogos 2012bersamaan 15 Ramadan jatuh juga hari Jumaat. Sama dengan hadis Nabi pasal huru hara besar yang akan terjadi pada tengah malam pertengahan bulan Ramadan iaitu hari Jumaat 15 Ramadandi bumi ini yang akan mengejutkan semua orang yang sedang tidur, pasal satu suara yang amat dahsyat akan kita dengar dekat langit,bukan kiamat tapi huru hara tersebut akan melenyapkan umat manusia di atas muka bumi ini sebanyak 2/3,yang tinggal cuma 1/3 shj.(yang NASA Amerika ada beritahu pada 21-12-2012 planet X akan lintas di bumi)Adakah kita semua ni tergolong dalam 1/3 tu.......ALLAH sahaja Maha Mengetahui.. ......... .. cuba kita tengokHadis Nabi di bawah ini dan kenyataan pasal Kalendar Islam 2012

Nu'aim bin Hammad meriwayatkan dengan sanadnya bahwa Rasulullah saw. bersabda:
Bila telah muncul suara di bulan Ramadhan, maka akan terjadi huru-hara di bulan Syawwal...". Kami bertanya: "Suara apakah, ya Rasulullah?" Beliau menjawab: "Suara keras di pertengahan bulan Ramadhan, pada malam Jum'at, akan muncul suara keras yang membangunkan orang tidur, menjadikan orang yang berdiri jatuh terduduk, para gadis keluar dari pingitannya, pada malam Jum'at di tahun terjadinya banyak gempa. Jika kalian telah melaksanakan shalat Subuh pada hari Jum'at, masuklah kalian ke dalam rumah kalian, tutuplah pintu-pintunya, sumbatlah lubang-lubangnya, dan selimutilah diri kalian, sumbatlah telinga kalian. Jika kalian merasakan adanya suara menggelegar, maka bersujudlah kalian kepada Allah dan ucapkanlah: "Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Mahasuci Al-Quddus, Rabb kami Al-Quddus!", karena barangsiapa melakukan hal itu akan selamat, tetapi barangsiapa yang tidak melakukan hal itu akan binasa".

Top 10 to Get the Most from Your Meals

jom kurus ramai2...

Go Easy
Choose easy recipes that don't require lots of pans and complicated preparation such as spaghetti, marinated pork, chops and barbequed beef. Find at least seven you'd like to prepare.

Set a Beautiful Table
Choose one or two places in the home at which to eat. Make each meal a special occasion. Only eat at these places, and never eat while standing.

Don't Play that Funky Music
Don't ever eat a meal to toe-tapping tunes. Researchers have found that diners who listen to classical music take three bites a minute versus five bites a minute for rock music. They also enjoy their meal more thoroughly, and feel more satisfied.

To be truly enjoyed, eating requires full attention. Turn off the TV, and put away that reading.

Chew Away Tension
Relax your facial muscles, and satisfy your chewing urges by chewing slowly. It takes fifteen minutes for your brain to communicate to your stomach that it's full.

Small Is Smart
Choosing to eat meals on smaller plates can fool the eye, which relates to tricking the brain into thinking that it's devoured a plateful.

Add Flavor, Not Calories
Discover flavored vinegars to add flavor without the calories. Use a tablespoon of vinegar to thin down, and extend your favorite dressings. Add salsa to just about any food. It perks up the taste buds with little or no fat. Dip vegetables in it, spoon it over scrambled eggs, baked potatoes, and add it to salads. Keep olive oil in a spritzer bottle and add it to salads, vegetables, and even popcorn.

Say It with Soy
Soy is packed with powerful antioxidants that interfere with free radical damage. This is the basis for how fast we age. Soy is another reason to turn to a more vegetarian-based diet. Unlike animal proteins, soy beans don't spew scads of damaging free radicals through your body to age your cells. Soy also prevents heart disease and diabetes. Japanese, who eat the most soybean in the world (thirty times more than Americans) live longer than anyone. Soy is also reported to cut breast cancer rates and to lower blood cholesterol.

Enjoy your fruits (or vegetables)
Complete your meal by steaming some fresh vegetables or tossing a quick salad. Grab some vegetables and chicken for a quick stir-fry. Buying pre-cut and pre-cooked ingredients will save you prep time. You also can add canned water chestnuts, straw mushrooms, and other Chinese vegetables available at most grocery stores. Herbs and spices can add flavor and excitement to the simplest meals. Buy and store cilantro, rosemary, thyme, cayenne pepper, ginger, and any other favorites that add zest and zing

Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

When you desire something sweet, don't grab that candy bar. Try a natural sweet like grapes, blueberries, or strawberries. When fruit just won't do, go for a jelly bean. At only six calories each, these fat-free sweets are one of the modeling world's favorite snacks.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

thun 2010...lmbatnye dila update....

salam muhibbah...salam ramdhan kepada semua umat islam.....
dila ucapkan kpd kwn2...mak...ayah...adik2...along...n so on...puase taw???jgn ponteng2.....

ngeeeeeeeeeeee.......nowadays dila dah final year..hukhukhuk...mcm xcaye...sebab rase dri ni mudeeeee lagi...hehehheehhe..nak wat PSM or projek sarjana muda lagi..uish2....mcm2 kene wat bile dah jadi seniorita the way....salam kemaafan kepada yg mengenali diri dila ni...if dila de terkasar bahase ke..terlajak kate ke...maaf kan dila ea semua......erm...lagi2....n selamat hari raye..hehehehehe.

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